
Selo to Merbabu


Merbabu via Gancik trail (no fee) Java is a stunning island filled with great people who will always serve up a smile in passing, it has jaw dropping natural beauty, centuries old culture, is light on the wallet and a hikers paradise. For some, Java, Indonesia has it all. Sadly, Java also has extortionate pricing for foreigners which hits families particularly hard. Charging $20 for ‘entry’ to walk up a mountain is bad enough, but a man with 3 kids, aka me, is slammed with an $80 fee for a day out. On top of extortionate fees to get out of pretty much any city in the country. So, when I rocked up to Yogyakarta with the intention of hiking up Merbabu, for those highly acclaimed views over Merapi and the region, I did so with 3 kids and the intention of doing it as cheaply as possible, and this…